Ivenet貝貝 營養芝士粒 (2味)

Ivenet貝貝 營養芝士粒 (2味)



重量(Weight) : 20克(g) 適合7個月大或以上寶寶 Suitable for 7months+ babies 產地(Origin) : 韓國 Korea -全新芝士概念!可長期室溫保存的芝士乾粒,無須擔心需冷藏及易變壞問題 -採用韓國技術凍結乾燥法,營養豐富,味道可口 -含豐富礦物質,蛋白質及健康的脂肪酸 -可配合日常飲食或加入牛奶/乳酪,或作小零食 ·Feel fresh taste and nutrition of Natural cheese and yogurt! ·Preserve taste and nutrition of cheese adding yogurt by freeze drying. ·Softly melt Cheese snack easy to eat, babies can grab and eat by themselves. ·New type of finger cheese.

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